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Penrose Personal Training

What Is Personal Training?

Penrose Personal Training is full body fitness that takes what you gained in physical therapy to another level not paid for by insurance. When you come for physical therapy we often can only work on that body part per insurance. However, we know that the whole body may have been affected by lack of mobility and walking or moving differently for several weeks. We need to address you as a whole person with personal training so you can return to all the things you love. Personal Training also helps prevent future injuries. If you want to stay out of doctor’s offices then commit to personal training.

If you’re interested in learning more about Personal Training and if it’s right for you, give us a call today!

Who It’s For

Penrose Personal Training is for someone dedicated to their health that wants full body strength, flexibility, cardio, stamina, and balance addressed beyond what health insurance will pay for. We are very good at modifying workouts due to arthritis and post surgical conditions.

Benefits Of Personal Training

Penrose Personal Training will get you back to what you love! If you wish you could do something and think it may be impossible, think again. If you want to keep up with your friends, grandkids, travel with ease, and fight back against aging this is your ticket. If you are intimidated by the gym but you’ve been told to exercise this is the perfect option. If you have specific goals you want to achieve this is for you

How Do You Start & Will My Insurance Cover It?

How do you know where to start? We sit down with you and talk about your goals and current activity level. We ask about health history, surgeries, concerns/limitations. We do a full body fitness assessment: cardio, flexibility, posture, upper body & lower body strength, core strength and give you normative data for gender and age so you can see how you compare with peers. You also have an understanding of what areas need more attention.

Does insurance pay for personal training? No, insurance pays only for “medical necessity” and that often means it only pays for physical therapy when you can’t move around in your home, get dressed, make a meal, or go to work. It doesn’t pay for full return to hobbies or outdoor activities. Health care is paying less and less these days and honestly the patients that want the most return of their health and function end up investing in personal training or fitness classes (that we also offer here).

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