Small Group Training At Penrose PT!
If you are an individual looking for the next after physical therapy to achieve maximum wellness and fitness, or want someone to hold you accountable with small class sizes or need someone who’s well-trained to make sure you’re working out correctly, consider signing up for our small group Pilates, Balance Class, Boxing or one on one personal training!
These classes are open to both people who are/have been patients or have never done physical therapy before. The small class sizes mean you’ll get personalized instruction in a fun environment with people who have the same goal as you! You must RSVP for these classes. Packages can be purchased in office.
Pilates for Soft bone or previous back issues

Pilates for Soft bone or previous back issues: 70% of Traditional Pilates poses need to be modified if you have soft bone or back issues or you will create more pain or even a fracture. The class is not easier. You will still get a very challenging core workout but with your spine in neutral and in safe positions so we don’t overload the vertebrae or discs. You will have plenty of great hip exercises as well and posture exercises to help with bone density in the spine and in the hips. *Required: you gave to be able to get up and off the floor for this class. Mat Pilates for osteoporosis runs on Mondays and Wednesdays at 9am. Here is a link to our podcast where we discuss more about our Pilates program:
Traditional Pilates mat class

Traditional Pilates mat class is offered at 7am on Fridays. This is only for those who know they don’t have soft bone or previous back issues. If you are unsure if you should start with this please email
Penrose Balance class

Penrose Balance class: This class will challenge all things that relate to your balance. If you are worried about your balance this is a great class. We will work your ankle/feet, legs, hips, core and you will have times with eyes closed to challenge your vestibular system. If you cannot balance for 10 seconds on one leg then you should consider this balance class. You will need to wear socks with grippy bottoms on them as we do want to strengthen your ankles and feet so we prefer you are not in shoes. If you have a condition requiring shoes then we will allow you to keep your shoes on. You will be standing and using a chair or dowel at times to hold onto while we do challenging activities. You can sit and take a break any time you need to. You will not be getting on or off the floor in this class. Penrose Balance is on Mon and Wed at 10:10 am and runs for 45 min as we find this is enough time to be completely fatigued with these activities.
Pilates Boxing

Pilates Boxing class is on Thursdays at 11:40am. This is a 40 min class. This class is perfect if you want to work on agility, balance, coordination, balance, strength, cardio, foot work and add a great work out with variety. It also requires considerable cognitive concentration to work on the punch sequences. So if you want to fight back against aging this is the perfect class. This class only can fit 4 people so it is more like small group training. Please listen to this podcast to learn more about it:
If you are an individual looking for the next after physical therapy to achieve maximum wellness and fitness, or want someone to hold you accountable with small class sizes or need someone who’s well-trained to make sure you’re working out correctly, consider signing up for our small group training!
These classes are open to both people who are/have been patients or have never done physical therapy before. The small class sizes mean you’ll get personalized instruction in a fun environment with people who have the same goal as you!
Marissa our certified athletic trainer leads classes throughout the week and provides two classes on Saturday mornings. Below is some information on these training sessions:
Penrose Power: designed to improve bone density and full body strength. This class also utilizes unstable surfaces to challenge your balance and core! If you need more strength to get up and off the floor, or return to hiking, kayaking or what you LOVE, this is for you! Penrose Power runs on Mondays and Wednesdays at 9am.
Penrose Posture and Flexibility: A modified version of yoga using a chair. This small group class is great for those who are stiff, lack flexibility and need to improve posture and balance. All yoga positions are modified to protect those who have been diagnosed with osteoporosis, arthritis and spine issues. These poses have been backed by research to increase bone density as well! If you want better posture, improve your golf game, put socks and shoes on pain-free or just have less-achy joints this class is for you! Penrose Posture runs Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9am.

Penrose Posture and Flexibility (left) is a modified version of yoga that uses a chair and is great for people with osteopenia or osteoporosis. If you need a boost in your posture, osteoporosis or not, this class is for you!
The benefits of our small class sizes is the personalized instruction and correction in all of our classes. In many of the commercial group exercise classes, you get lost in the crowd and can’t get the help you need if you are doing something wrong. That is not the case with us and why we keep class sizes small – we value you and your progress, not matter where you’re starting!