Are You at Risk for Falls?
Falls, fractures and hip replacements are common problems in elderly people, due to bone loss, bone fragility and osteoporosis. Did You Know? …
Are You at Risk for Falls? Read More »
Falls, fractures and hip replacements are common problems in elderly people, due to bone loss, bone fragility and osteoporosis. Did You Know? …
Are You at Risk for Falls? Read More »
Your therapy visits and HEP go hand in hand and feed off of each other. Please remember this: skipping them may set back your recovery. They will help you work towards a solution and get you on your way to living the life you want: NOT being limited to doing only part of your dream.
How Important is Your Home Exercise Program? Read More »
Typically, we exercise to slim down, feel better, and ease our guilt about eating an extra cookie. As a cardiologist, I always remind my patients that including exercise in their lives can also lower blood pressure and decrease the risk of having a heart attack. But those aren’t the only potentially lifesaving effects from exercise.
Here are 10 more reason to exercise — effects that go far beyond benefits for the heart — from studies published in the last year. Here are some of the surprising findings:
10 Health Issues that Benefit from Exercise Read More »
If you routinely experience back pain, shoulder pain, or hip pain when you carry a backpack, there’s a good chance that your backpack doesn’t fit you or that you’re not wearing it properly. This is surprisingly common among backpackers and kids returning to school. Here are a few things to check to make sure your pack is properly fitted:
Fitting a Backpack Read More »
First, we have to understand that there are a lot of factors regarding squatting. The following is a general guide for proper air squat mechanics and is not the “end-all-be-all.”
“Air” Squat or squat without weight is important to understand and master prior to picking up the barbell or dumbbell. Your mechanics are possibly the most important aspect to consider when attempting any exercise and maybe none more than a squat or lunge. We see so many people confused about how they are supposed to bend, move or lift. To help clear the confusion we will cover common faults and how to correct these.
Proper Squatting Mechanics Read More »
New research indicates that flexibility is a by-product of pre-run static stretching and may be a biomechanical factor that hurts running economy which is a measure of your overall efficiency. Prior to hard workouts and races it tends to work best to do a warm-up jog and then perform the dynamic stretches, followed by strides. This helps to adequately warm up the muscles and then get the right ones firing in the right ways.
Static Stretching vs. Dynamic Stretching Read More »
What is achilles tenodinits? Pain in the area of the Achilles tendon goes by several names and overlapping conditions, including tendonitis, tendinosis, Haglund’s deformity, paratenonitis, and bursitis, among others. Achilles tendinopathy is pain in the Achilles tendon in the midportion approximately 2-6 cm up from the heel also called non-insertional Achilles tendinopathy. Tendinopathy is defined as chronic degeneration of the tendon.
Achilles Tendonitis Read More »
Plantar fasciitis is the most common foot condition treated by healthcare providers. It is the most common diagnosis for foot running injuries and making up 8% of all running injuries. The clinical course for most patients is positive with 80% reporting resolution of symptoms at the 12 month follow up. Most patients make significant improvements in 1-3 months as reported above with various treatment methods.
Plantar Fasciitis – A Literal Pain in the Heel Read More »
Is your 2nd toe longer than your first? Then you do not push off correctly with your big toe. You will start to shift your weight more and more to the outside to the smaller bones of your foot. You may compress and cause the lateral side (outside) of your foot to become very painful
Stop That Outside Foot Pain Now! Read More »
Everyone loves their favorite shoes that are broken in and super comfy! However, take a look at the bottom of them. Is one edge worn down more than the other? If the answer is yes it is time to either re-sole them or get new shoes! Walking on a beveled surface leads to foot pain. What a simple solution instead of wasting time and co-pays seeing a physical therapist or foot specialist!