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stages of osteoporosis

Stages of Osteoporosis: Safe Journey to Stronger Bones

Have you ever wondered how fragile bones can impact your daily life? Imagine feeling a sudden sharp pain from a simple bump or struggling with routine activities because your bones have become too weak. These scenarios are all too real for many people dealing with osteoporosis. This silent disease progresses in stages, often without noticeable […]

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signs of osteoporosis

Early Warning: Detecting the Subtle Signs of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is often called a silent disease. Why? Because it can progress undetected for years without any obvious symptoms. Imagine this: by the time osteoporosis becomes apparent, significant bone loss could have already occurred. It’s a stark reality that affects millions globally, particularly impacting post-menopausal women and the elderly. Yet, understanding the early signs of

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I Was Told Not To Bend Or Twist With Osteoporosis; Yet Research Shows Yoga Increases Bone Density

Yoga has along list of health benefits, including greater flexibility and range of motion, stronger muscles, better posture. Even balance, reduced emotional and physical stress, and increased self awareness and self-esteem. Yoga’s forward folds have to be eliminated for the osteoporosis crowd but the rotational poses actually increase bone density. Dr. Loren M. Fishman is

I Was Told Not To Bend Or Twist With Osteoporosis; Yet Research Shows Yoga Increases Bone Density Read More »

10 Health Issues that Benefit from Exercise

Typically, we exercise to slim down, feel better, and ease our guilt about eating an extra cookie. As a cardiologist, I always remind my patients that including exercise in their lives can also lower blood pressure and decrease the risk of having a heart attack. But those aren’t the only potentially lifesaving effects from exercise.

Here are 10 more reason to exercise — effects that go far beyond benefits for the heart — from studies published in the last year. Here are some of the surprising findings:

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